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Artifact #1


       Last November, November 11th to be exact, I got the chance to go down to Chestatee Academy for their annual Veterans Day luncheon to film interviews of all the veterans. I got to do this because I am in the Broadcasting/News Class here at Chestatee High. It was my third year doing this video and second year doing it all on my own. The past three years I have enjoyed getting to film and edit this because some of the veterans can tell such great stories of their time in the military.

        First, I had to plan ahead and make sure I had all the supplies needed to go down to the middle school. Then, when it was time, Terry the custodian and I loaded up in the School’s Golf Cart and headed down to the middle school. When I got there I was greeted by the office staff and made my way down to the Library to set up. When it was time for the interview I welcomed them in and I asked them questions like, “What is your connection to the Chestatee Community? When and Where did you take the oath? What made you want to join the military?”

        After the interviews were complete, I was only beginning the hardest part of this project, editing, the editing was so hard on this project mainly because of its length. Anytime you have a long video it tends to slow down your computer which makes it harder to edit. Then there were a couple of interviews that I had to block out their kids to make it look like I was just interviewing the veteran.

        In conclusion and looking back, I think that the video turned out great! I am glad that all of the Chestatee Community was able to hear these stories just like I was, and I hope that maybe it inspired someone to join the military when they graduate. 

Audio / Video Technology and Film I 

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