Artifact #1: Marketplace
Honors Introduction to BUsiness and Technology
// Business Procedures

November 16th, 2015 was Marketplace at Chestatee HIgh School. What is Marketplace you may ask? Marketplace is much like a festival with different vendors. My company was BenchWarmers… What is BenchWarmers you may ask? BenchWarmers is a company that makes custom designed Stadium Cushions. The Marketplace project was a great learning opportunity because it taught us how to run a small business. We had to learn about finances and building a budget. Also we learned skills that would be very useful growing up and living in the 21st Century, Graphic Design. I was the Graphic Designer for my Company, I get the chance to learn the ins and outs of Photoshop and became quite fluent in the program. Other things that we learned was how to Sublimate
print things, in our case Stadium Cushions. The process of filling the orders that we received was first, we had to design the cushion on Photoshop then we were able to print it on the dye-sublimation printer. Then we took it over to the heat press and pressed it for a minute and a half. Then we put it on the cooling table. After all I look back on what we have accomplished and think that it turned out great! We were really good at getting things done and meeting deadlines but we could work on teamwork and working together. If I had to do this again I would make better prototypes and designs. Overall Marketplace was a success!
Artifact #2: Toastmasters
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Toastmasters is a Program that helps Adults (but in my case Kids) all over the world become better public speakers and be able to give proper speeches. No I may not have been the best speaker but I gave it my all. In the class we had to write three speeches, All About Me, When I Grow Up, and Inspire Me. I wrote my All About Me speech about well…. ME I told about me, my family and my career interest. As I was writing my When I Grow Old Speech I wrote about my Career interest of being a Live Musician and an Audio Engineer. And last but not least, on my Inspire Me speech I wrote about my cousin Brooke Pruitt and how she has inspired me both spiritually and in my studies. The purpose of writing and giving these speeches is so that when you are older and even now you will have great speaking habits in front of people. When I wrote these speeches I started out with the two or three topics that I wanted to talk about then I went on to bullet point sentences to further explain the topic I was talking about, then after I wrote it all I stood in front of a mirror and practiced, practiced, practiced! Bur in the end I had a final speech that I was able to present to the class.
Artifact #3: Passion Project
Your RACE Freshmen year is based around the theme “know thyself” so we get to participate in the Annual Passion Project. The Passion Project is a change for us to discover our “passion” and possible career choices within it. For my Passion Project I studied Audio Engineering and for my final product I produced a CD titled “Covered”. Producing this CD was definitely a learning process. I had to learn a whole new software, GarageBand it was fun but a challenge. The highlight of my project was getting to go up to Nashville and job shadow Joe Carrell. I got to see the mixing and editing of an Album by Doug Anderson. The next day Joseph Habadank came into the Studio to record a Demo of a song that he wrote with Wayne Haun that they were going to send to Reba on a gospel Album that she is going to record.